020 3761 3002

COSMOS Organic Products

The demand for natural and organic ingredients from the consumer strengthens not only the support of a healthy lifestyle but brings with it an awareness of nature, biodiversity and sustainability.  Authentic, socially responsible, ethically produced, environmentally respectful, sustainably aware, 100% pure & natural and certified organic, these are credible factors for a progressive looking formulator, brand owner and consumer.  As a company we have chosen to take a positive approach and to act responsibly and apply this forward thinking to our commercial business practices.  These positive choices are made to protect the planet for our future generations and to encourage innovation with cosmetic product formulation, our product portfolio offers an exciting choice of both 100% pure and natural and certified organic cosmetic ingredients that comply with the definitions and criteria of ISO 9235 and ISO 16128. 


From the launch of our business and our first ever product, our growing portfolio of aromatic raw materials achieve COSMOS Natural criteria and comply with ISO 16128 and ISO 9235, ensuring we are able to guarantee they are 100% PURE & NATURAL, from a single defined botanical species, from defined chemotypes and where applicable identified geographical areas with no chemical modification or addition of any natural or synthetic materials. 


ISO 16128 and ISO 9235 compliance offers a positive approach and awareness to nature and the need in taking responsibility with a caring attitude to both human beings and the planet, however, with organic we can strengthen this approach further.  We have to protect the future and to do this, we have taken the responsibility to evaluate the supply chain and life cycle of our product portfolio and attain organic certification.  The purpose of the accreditation is to ensure climate and environmental protection, evaluate and preserve biodiversity with respect for natural cycles and animal welfare, encourage agricultural production from natural processes and without the use of chemical and synthetic products or GMO, preserve natural resources and the conservation of soil fertility.  We work with UK Soil Association who are our certifying body and who are recognised globally with certificates of equivalence by country where they exist.

COSMOS Organic / COSMOS Natural

The COSMOS Organic and COSMOS Natural standards have been developed at the European and international level by SOIL ASSOCIATION (UK), BDIH (Germany), COSMEBIO & ECOCERT (France) and ICEA (Italy) and who are the founders of the COSMOS-standard AISBL (an international non-profit association registered in Belgium) in order to define common requirements and definitions for organic and natural cosmetics.  In the best interests of both the industry and consumers , it was recognised that having a single, international standard for organic and natural cosmetics would ensure equivalence and efficient operation for companies, clarity and confidence for consumers, coupled with effective progress towards sustainable development.

The COSMOS-standard applies to cosmetic products that are marketed as organic or natural, its guiding principles are to:

  • promote the use of products from organic agriculture and respect biodiversity;
  • use natural resources responsibly and respect the environment;
  • use processing and manufacturing that are clean and respectful of human health and the environment;
  • integrate and develop the concept of “Green Chemistry”.