floviva Rose Bulgarian Otto Oil and Absolute by ProTec Botanica
Download: floviva Rose Otto Oil Bulgarian (PDF) Download: floviva Rose Absolute Bulgarian (PDF) If you would like to start a conversation with us, have any questions regarding our product portfolio or would like to request pricing and a sample, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
Global Consumer Trends Within Personal Care
In the ever-evolving personal care industry, staying abreast of consumer trends and the growing popularity of specific ingredients and formulations is crucial to remaining informed and competitive. Here, we look at the current market expectations and our products that cater to those. Essential Oils The modern lifestyle has increased stress and anxiety levels worldwide. Many […]
Embracing Sustainability for a Better Future
Through our Sustainability Pledge, ProTec Botanica integrates environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and a commitment to quality into its core values and operations. The company aims to contribute to a sustainable and equitable future by upholding these principles, which encompass several key elements: EcoProducts Foundation The establishment of the EcoProducts Foundation serves as a platform for implementing […]
ProTec Nutra and Inventories of Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC)
The regulatory framework for cosmetic ingredients in China is based on a positive list system known as the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC). The IECIC was a list of cosmetic ingredients approved for cosmetics produced and sold in China. The National Medical Products Administration periodically updates the list, and any ingredient not […]
Discover the Power of Essential Oils in Infant Care
Over the years, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in the usage of Essential oils (EOs), especially within the motherhood and infant care sector, offering countless benefits for both physical and emotional well-being in adults and infants alike and, as a result, is used widely within the pharmaceutical and health industry. When administered to infants […]